Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Think Thin Thursdays (I'm a little late!)

Well, I think I'm going to join this movement! Bridgette at the Not-So-Blog, Blog is hosting "Think Thin Thursdays" a blog "party" of women trying to lose weight this year. Each week there will be a topic to post about & goals to set. Then, on the following Thursday, we'll all come back & determine whether or not we met the goals & encourage/support/help each other.

This week's topic is to write about your resolutions. I've already done that, but I'll recap!

#7 Clean the walls throughout the house. Possibly repaint the house as well. This is definitely something I want to do when we do our big remodel that we're planning for Spring Break.

#6 Put together the cradle Dad bought us.

#5 Get a hair TRIM at least every other month. Tim is my beautician and he has been lacking. I have to cut his hair every 2 weeks like clockwork...but mine gets pushed to the wayside.

#4 Bathe the dogs at least once a month. We suck at this. Mostly because there are 3 dogs & none of them "love" bath-time.

#3 Lose weight. That would be the reason for joining Think Thin Thursdays! I currently weigh around 195 pounds. I float a couple pounds up and down depending on the time of the month & how "good" I've been. I am five feet two inches. According to an online BMI Chart, my BMI is 36. That's really bad & I'm labeled as "obese." This is not cool. According to the same chart a normal BMI for a woman is 18.5-24.9 which for me translates to 104-131 pounds. So, my goal for TOTAL weight loss would be 77 pounds. WOW, that's like a lot. I haven't honestly looked at that in a long time. (Target Weight=118 lbs) So far, I've quit drinking caffiene drinks & trying to eat a little better overall. I got Rollerblades for Christmas and can't wait to break them in! I'm really hoping it's something I can do & get 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week.

#2 Grade papers. The week I assign them. And then get them back to my students. I kind of suck at this & I REALLY need to get better at it, so that I can do well in my job.

#1 Get pregnant. Sometime this year. If I don't get pregnant, start the adoption process.

My goal for this week is to drink less than 24 oz of caffiene daily. So far so good!

If you want to join up, visit The Not So Blog, Blog & sign up!


Smellyann said...

Dude, it crackes me UP that you and Tim cut each other's hair!!

I don't think I'll be joining this. I have enough bloggy "days" to keep up with, I already want to join Tackle-It Tuesday but missed the first one, whoops!

Staci A said...

Glad to see you'll be joining us! Best of luck!

Gloria said...

I think I might join your group... but I can't do the lose weight right now... just found out last week I'm expecting!

BUT I'll cheer you on!

BTW I have an awesome natural product line that is great for weight loss and overall genera health. Let me know if you are intersted.
