Thursday, February 26, 2009

Beta Results

Yay! Yippee! Wahoo!

My beta was 80mIU/ml on 15 DPO. Wahoo!

That means that it almost tripled! (27 x 2.9=80)


Could there be more than one peanut in there? Who knows!

I asked the nurse when he would want my first 'real' prenatal appointment to be and she said when my beta reaches 15,000.

So, I was like, um, what do I do then? Keep getting betas? (ugh, more blood draws!)

So, I did some quick math...I think I did it right.

If the beta of 80 on 15 DPO continues to TRIPLE every 2 days, that would mean I'd be back in 8 days.

If the beta of 80, doubles every 2 days that would mean I'd be back in 16 days.

If the beta of 80, doubles every 3 days (what they say is "normal") that would mean I'd be back in 24 days.

So, sometime between 1 and 3 weeks from now, I'll have another beta! We shall see...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am SO happy for you! :) Here is my doctor's website that shows what medicines you can take while pg. It has helped me a lot.