Saturday, November 22, 2008

Picture Post!

These pics of Caro in dressed up are from 2 weeks ago. This is her maniac ha-ha, I've got the phone, grin!
Here's one of Caro last night. She's wearing hand-me-down Baby Gap pjs from Mel. Aren't they cute! You can KIND OF see the bruise on her right cheek & eye in this picture. The flash pretty much washed it out.
Here's another one from 2 weeks ago...what a cutie!

Sorry this one is so washed out, I took it without the flash, so you could see the bruises.

Well that's all for now. I'm sure I'll have more after I get her bathed and dressed for today.

Oh, I also wanted to add that now Caro has a split lip. When I was changing her diaper, she wriggled wrong and my finger nail (on my thumb) hit her lip and it bled a little. She's so fragile.
She didn't even cry & I gave her some super cold milk to drink. I'm hoping it doesn't swell at all.

1 comment:

Smellyann said...

Aww, she looks so cute, in the jammies! She's looking so big! Growing up fast. ♥

Glad you can use all those sippy cups. Good idea to sterilize them. If I find more I'll save them for you. I have lots of toy parts for you, too. Well, some, not lots. :)

ENjoy your movie date!