Friday, November 28, 2008


I'm feeling very overwhelmed right now. I keep wondering, why would God have shown me a positive if only to be followed up by negatives? There's still no real sign of AF coming. I'm having a little bit of colored tint to the tissue when I wipe, but no real blood.

Tim and I are talking about it as if I am pregnant. We are hoping that the desires of our heart will be given to us. We are faithful that God hears our prayers and that He knows what we want.

I don't know if Tim prays on his own, but sometimes I say a prayer for both of us when I'm holding his hand. I've been talking to God a lot the past few days. I'm so thankful for all that I have. I am so happy that we can afford to start our family.

Tim and I have been together for almost 5 years! Can you believe that!?! It's crazy. If I think back to where and who I was in's amazing. I've changed and grown up SO much in the past five years. I've met so many of my goals. 1. Be a teacher, 2. get married, 3. buy a house, 4. buy my car, 5. have a family (the dogs count right!)

I'm starting to feel a bit better, but I'm so TIRED. I'm counting that as a preg. sign.

Do you think, that someday, when my baby is all grown up, they'll find this blog & be like, "Mom, you're a fruitcake!" ? Do I really want my child to know all the things I felt/dealt with during their life?

I don't know. I'm pooped. Tim just said he wants to watch a movie. So, I'm outta here!

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