Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well, some of you may remember this post, about Blondie. Either way, I'll recap. It was from Jan. 1 and I proclaimed that Blondie was not ready to be put down. Unfortunately, after this past week, we feel that her time has come and we are making the arrangements for her final days.
Poor Blondie has been blind for years, deaf for at least 2 years, and incontinent for about 9 months. She pees on herself, she walks in her own feces. She has 2 open sores that we have not been able to heal, no matter what we try to treat them. We believe she has recurring urinary tract infections that antibiotics have not helped.
She stopped eating her dry dog food sometime last week. I noticed it over a period of 3 days. Tim maintained that she was eating the puppy food. We left town for PA on Friday & by Saturdy morning, she hadn't touched her dog food.
Mandy dog sat for us & began feeding her wet (canned) food. Blondie ate that, but was still peeing on herself and walking in her poo. She made quite the mess for Amanda. Although she went outside 2x a day and ate canned food and drank plenty of water, Blondie does not seem happy anymore.
So, tomorrow I'll be calling the vet to find out what needs to be done & how much it will cost to put poor Blondie to sleep.
We aren't all mushy, we won't be preserving her ashes in an urn, or sending her to the "rainbow bridge" or anything like that.
We are sad that our Blondie-dog will be leaving us, but at this time we feel its the best thing to do.


Anonymous said...

That is so sad and I'm terribly sorry.

Smellyann said...

Sorry about Blondie, guys. She'll be in a better place soon. (((HUGS)))

Gloria said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you have you to do this... I had to put my dog of 13 years down a few months back and it was very sad, but definitely for the best. hugs.