Thursday, December 2, 2010

You Might be a Counter-Cultural Mama if....

My posting of this was inspired by THIS post on my friend Kelley's blog...which was inspired by this post on Mamaeve's blog. :) 

I'm going to take the best of both of their lists, add my own & see what we've got!!   Be sure to read their's too though because they do some things that we don't!

You might be a countercultural mama if...

1. You breastfeed your children
2. You wear your babies
3. You feed on demand and not on schedule
4. You delayed solids
5. Your babies first foods were something natural, like banana's, avacado's, or squash, etc. given whole, in chunks or mashed instead of something pureed and in a jar.
6. You have ever co-slept in some capacity
7. You have had one or more natural, unmedicated births, one or more of which may have been in the water.   (I tried!)

8. You waited for the umbilical cord to stop pulsing before it was clamped (This was in the birth plan!)
9. You consumed sushi, raw cheese, deli meat, beer, or wine (or all of the above) while pregnant.
10. When you ask your children how babies eat, they lift up their shirts (even the boys).
11. You know was EC means.
12. You use cloth diapers and/or EC (which most of your friends and family also think you are nuts for!)
13. You'd rather make something for your children/friends/loved ones, even if it may cost more, and if it costs you your time b/c there is more love in it, and it will be unique and special.
14. You craft in one way or another.
15. The only time your child is strapped into a car seat is when they're in the car/airplane.
16. You believe that making smart choices about what you put in (food) and on (bath products, cosmetics, etc) your body can affect your over all health, well being, and risks for developing cancers and other serious medical conditions.
17. Your children nurse their baby dolls, wear them in baby carries, and change their cloth diapers.
18. Your baby rear faced past a year (13 months & going strong!)
19. You own 3 or more baby carriers
20. You know why that kid is wearing an AMBER NECKLACE.
21. You own a wrap and know how to tie it.
22. You have one or more dishes that you make by adding ingredients by sight and memory and not using a recipe.
23. When you change a dirty diaper, you take it to the toilet, not the garbage can.
24. You can hardly get through a reality show about birth without yelling at your tv.
25. When the Hylands Teething Tablet recall was announced you went out and bought as many bottles as you could get!
26. You are aware of America's c-section rate and it makes you sad.
27. You think it's ridiculous that doctors can refuse to take patients who want a v-bac.
28. You think it's ridiculous how many doctors won't allow a v-bac if the mother hasn't had a vaginal delivery before.
29. You think nothing of using the terms penis, foreskin, breast, vagina, vaginal, intact, perineum, and nipple in normal everyday conversation.
30. You nurse without a cover, even if it's only around family and close friends.
31. You don't think there is anything wrong with breastfeeding in public.
32. You selectively vax, or delay vaccinations.
33. You smile and nod at the doctor to avoid being "that" patient, while silently knowing that you will only apply the things you know to be good for your child.
34. You think that educating your children is your responsibility before anyone elses, even if your children go to school.
35. You know that it is your job to teach potty training, discipline, and proper social behavior to your children, not their teachers (if they don't happen to be homeschooled.)
36. Your partner doesn't "babysit" the kids while you go out for whatever reason (on the few rare occassions when you leave the house without even the nursling in tow) he/she co-parents.
37. You prefer natural and homemade items over store-bought
38. You have at least one thing for yourself that you either made yourself, or was handmade.
39. You know what a Diva Cup and Mama cloth are, and possibly own one or the other.
40. You have a paper free, or limited paper household, which may or may not include wipes, toliet paper, paper towels and/or napkins.
41. You reduce, re-use and recycle.
42. You'd rather buy used and save the difference. :)
43. You've squirted breastmilk on your child's eye/ear/nose/butt.
44. You've squirted breastmilk on your own or your spouse's eye/ear/nose/cut/burn.
45.Your toddler doesn't know what cow's milk or juice tastes like.
46. You have no idea how many times a day (or night) you breastfeed your child(ren).
47. You educate your children but don't send them to school.
48.You can walk and breastfeed at the same time.
49.The staff at the pediatrician's office knows you as THAT patient.
50.You cook things from scratch because you want to be able to pronounce every ingredient.
51.You know how to breastfeed your child while they're strapped in a carseat in a moving car. (I am QUEEN of the "Booby Dangle")
53. A non-biological child (or adult) has drunk your breastmilk.  

And here are the ones I hope to SOMEDAY add to my list!

A) Your friends look at you like your nuts when you tell them you don't use Johnson and Johnson or some other name brand bath and body products for baby b/c they have a high rating on the Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database
B) The ENVIRONMENTAL WORKING GROUP'S COSMETIC'S DATABASE is bookmarked on your computer, and you don't buy anything over a 2.
C) Gardening is considered a family fun learning activity
D) Your child only weaned because he was too busy running around to remember to breastfeed anymore.
E)You know what tandem nursing is, and you've done it.
F) You're going to have to explain to your boy children why their penises don't look like their dad's.

Can you come up with more? Add them to the comments and peruse what other people have to say!

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