Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm pooped!

Oh my word.

Working all day is freaking exhausting & tiring & awful & I wish I didn't have to do it!

I am SO tired. My feet are KILLING me. My ankles & toes are swollen. My eyes are swollen. I'm hungry but too tired to eat!

School today was very productive. I finished spending my $200 gift card & then spent another $35 out of my own pocket. But I think I have all that I need. I got a BUNCH of work done in my classroom & I realized I didn't take any before pictures. That made me sad, its something I've done every year.

I should be completely done with set-up before our 8:30 staff meeting tomorrow (assuming I get there at 7:30). Then we have from 1 until 7 to work. Friday we have a limited amount of time to work before Open House.

Wish me luck & strength & good rest!


(While we are on the college pictures: This is what I FEEL like tonight. In this picture, I was in college, at the Farmville Wal-Mart. I had a miserable migraine & my friend Lauren and I were apparantly shopping. (That's a huge vat of oil for her old Lucy (her car)!)

1 comment:

Smellyann said...

Luck and strength and good rest! See you this afternoon at school :D