Every single day, it hits me again, in just a few short months, we are going to have a SECOND baby. Two little people that I have to take care of, teach, and love.
This is so surreal. We tried SO hard and for so long to conceive Luke. Every minute of my pregnancy with him was cherished in anticipation of what we had been waiting for, and knew nothing about. With this surprise pregnancy, it's so different!
We weren't planning this, we were very shocked, and quite unprepared physically and mentally. Tim's got his mind wrapped around it better than me & I can feel the little nudger squirming inside me!
I have been feeling 2-3 good movements each day for some time now & each time it happens, I think to myself, "oh, my, yea, there's a BABY in there!" Which is bizarre--how can you FORGET you're pregnant!?!
For me, I have SO much going on with this kitchen reno. and taking care of a VERY active little monkey (I mean, one year old boy)....that its just NOT the forefront thing in my mind each day.
I do spend a few minutes each night feeling the baby and enjoying it, but mostly I'm so busy and so sick, the days are all passing in a blur!
We're 3 days away from 15 weeks....and then its just 5 weeks until the HALFWAY point!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Pregnancy Number 2
I don't think I've done ANY posts devoted solely to this pregnancy, since I announced I was pregnant & even then, I don't think it was just about the pregnancy!
So, I figured, I've got a couple minutes to spare while I'm on hold (w/the bank about cashing our check for the kitchen repairs), I'll write something up!
I'm 14 weeks pregnant now and still pretty miserable.
I found out I was pregnant because I felt "off" and extremely exhausted and some of my Diaperswappers friends suggested I take a home-pregnancy-test. Boy was I shocked to see that positive! (I had to take 2 tests to believe it!)
I started to experience nausea and morning sickness, just like with Luke, almost immediately. We weren't sure if I was between 5 and 12 weeks pregnant, so it was a few days before we got that question answered. I thought for sure, since the morning sickness was so awful, that I was farther along. No such luck. I was only 5 weeks pregnant when I found out.
So, I figured, I've got a couple minutes to spare while I'm on hold (w/the bank about cashing our check for the kitchen repairs), I'll write something up!
I'm 14 weeks pregnant now and still pretty miserable.
I found out I was pregnant because I felt "off" and extremely exhausted and some of my Diaperswappers friends suggested I take a home-pregnancy-test. Boy was I shocked to see that positive! (I had to take 2 tests to believe it!)
I started to experience nausea and morning sickness, just like with Luke, almost immediately. We weren't sure if I was between 5 and 12 weeks pregnant, so it was a few days before we got that question answered. I thought for sure, since the morning sickness was so awful, that I was farther along. No such luck. I was only 5 weeks pregnant when I found out.
![]() |
5 Weeks--Sesame Seed! |
So, I've had puking, nausea, just-plain-can't-eat, and more with this pregnancy. I've had cramps and gas, my "hemmies" are back, I've been constipated & had the runs. I was dehydrated and had the stomach flu one weekend, then Luke had it all week, and I had it again that following weekend! All in all, it has NOT been a good pregnancy so far.
I had an ultrasound at about 8 weeks and we got a few pictures of the baby.
My 12 week appointment fell during the time that Luke was sick & I was miserable with exhaustion. Dr. Morgan wasn't able to find the baby's heartbeat in his office, but we are not concerned because I do still have a "little extra tissue" as he so politely put it!
On that front, I was down to 188 lbs at that appointment and I had been at about 203 lbs at the start of the menstrual cycle that this baby was conceived during. So my total weight loss right now is 15 lbs, but I'm pretty sure I've lost more since then. (We're quickly approaching my 16 week appointment!)
The morning sickness and exhaustion are making things so rough this time. I'm pretty depressed about losing my milk supply, but Luke doesn't seem too phased by it. The last two nights he has slept through the night & last night he barely nursed for 2 minutes before falling asleep. There just wasn't any milk for him. :(
I haven't taken a single "belly" picture, even though I do have a tiny bump going on this time. I'm just too worn out to get cleaned up for a picture!
Tim felt the baby move a tiny bit about a week ago, but we both felt strong, purposeful kicks last night just before bed. The baby seems to be settled to the right side of my abdomen & my uterus is about the size of a small grapefruit right now.
We're really hoping for a girl, but I'm slowly coming to peace with the idea of another son. I mean, Luke is a REALLY cool kid.
I've pretty much got the baby's diaper stash ready, I would like another dozen newborn "all-in-ones" for going out & for ease of use, but they are pretty spendy and used for such a short time, that I'm not sure we'll be able to get them.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Sunday Update
Feb. 15-24 Bullet Style--Just to cover the highlights!
Feb. 15- Tuesday
Feb. 16- Wednesday
Feb. 17-Thursday
Feb. 18- Friday
Feb. 19-Saturday
Feb. 20-Sunday
Feb. 21-Monday
Feb. 23-Wednesday
Feb. 24-Thursday
Feb. 15- Tuesday
- 13 Weeks
- Peggy picked Luke & I up after work
- Texas Roadhouse Mystery Shop (dinner at the bar w/ Tim--Tom & Peggy babysat)
Feb. 16- Wednesday
- Started calling at 8:30 to find Tim an eye doctor's appointment for the "something" in his eye
- Got him a 10:00 & myself a 10:30 appointment, so rushed to get ready to go
- Went with Tim to the eye doctors & had my eye's examined. My prescription has changed & my vision is now 20/50 in both eyes.
- Ordered cute new purple glasses
- Went home & ate left-overs for lunch with Tim before he went back to work
- Cleaned house & got ready for Time Starved Marriage Small Group
- Peggy picked Luke & I up again & took me all the way to small group
Feb. 17-Thursday
- It must not have been very noteworthy, because I can't remember Thursday at all!!
Feb. 18- Friday
- Took Tim to work, went to Chic Fil A for breakfast, then the yarn store & then Luke to the doctor
- Dr. C freaked out because Luke is now off of the charts for weight, he only weighed 19 lbs and 6 oz.
- Ran errands, Pharmacy, Swung by the house to get the boys, Lunch at Ci-Ci's, then back to the VB Yarn Store
- Picked Tim up from work & brought him home, took all 3 boys to the playground until Mandy got there
Feb. 19-Saturday
Mosaic Moon Kirkland on Cestari--
To be turned into Short-alls for Luke & either Short-alls or a Skirt-all for the new baby!
Woof on Cestari w/ Cascade 220 Orange--
To be turned into Short-alls for Luke
Born in a Barn Del Mar on Cestari, Random brown scraps on Cestari or MMW, with Cascade 220 Tan--
To be turned into shorties for Luke
Mosaic Moon Copper Patina w/ Green Trim on Cestari--
To be turned into shorties for Luke
- Tim got up early with Aaron (6:30)
- I cleaned house & got ready to go
- Took Luke & Aaron to the PO (to mail the above pictured yarns to 4 different knitters) & Babies R Us
- Mandy arrived to babysit Luke
- Tim worked in the kitchen (and his dad eventually came to help too)
- I went to Lo Lo's baby shower in VB
- I can't remember what I did in the evening
Feb. 20-Sunday
- Church at the Gathering UMC in the morning
- Came home & did housework
- Tim worked in the kitchen some
- We watched part of "Sherlock Holmes" together while Luke napped
- Got dressed & ready to go, then took Luke to Tom & Peggy's
- Cheeseburger in Paradise Mystery Shop
Luke, ready for bed after the Cheeseburger in Paradise shop
I can tell how skinny he is & his eyes look sickly to me. I can't weight til he puts the weight back on!
Feb. 21-Monday
- President's Day
- Tim was off
- Dad came over early to help sand the kitchen
- Mom & I took Luke to his GI appointment
- Dr. K did not think Luke's weight loss was near as drastic as Dr. C had, he suggested we try Rice Milk and do monthly weight checks, he also gave us samples of two "medical foods" (Vital Kids Jr. & Duo-Cal)
- We had Arby's for lunch
- I took Tim to the eye doctor for a re-check of his drilled out eye ball, Dr. C said it was healing nicely, but it would be about 2-3 weeks before Tim's eye sight was back to normal
- Luke & I went to Red Lobster with Mom, Dad, Mandy, and Frankie
- Extreme exhaustion
- 14 Weeks
- Didn't accomplish much around the house, thanks to the VERY dusty kitchen
- Ran out to buy sposies, since all the cloth was in the process of being washed
- Dinner at Ci-Ci's in VB with the Johnson family (morning sickness ruined it for me)
Feb. 23-Wednesday
- Extreme exhaustion
- Did laundry
- Cleaned house
- Chic Fil A for dinner
- Time Starved Marriage Small Group in VB
Feb. 24-Thursday
- Luke slept through the night! Mama did NOT. (He was in our bed.)
- Up at 7 am, but in a good mood, so we'll see how the day goes
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Shortalls on Kirkland from Carly Goode $16+shipping due (then same price for a pair for the newbie!)
Shortalls on Woof from Knitterbug Creations $21 (shipping?) due
Shorties on Copper Patina & Green from Stacey Christian $18+shipping due (minus 2 Sunbaby Diapers $8)
Shorties on Brown, Del Mar, and Scraps from Katie Melody $18+shipping due (minus BG Large if I repair $10)
2 Yards Ooga for me, 3 Yards Ooga for Glorimar
New Baby Gate- UPS in VB on 2/25
Kushies Wetbag- 9102901001298215747226
Tot-Lok Starter Kit, Clamps & Drill Bit- 9102927007687016933527
Tot-Lok 4 Packs (2)- UPS in VB 2/25 arrived--but wrong product
Shortalls on Woof from Knitterbug Creations $21 (shipping?) due
Shorties on Copper Patina & Green from Stacey Christian $18+shipping due (minus 2 Sunbaby Diapers $8)
Shorties on Brown, Del Mar, and Scraps from Katie Melody $18+shipping due (minus BG Large if I repair $10)
2 Yards Ooga for me, 3 Yards Ooga for Glorimar
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Long Sunday Update
Jan. 27 (Thurs)- Feb. 3 (Thurs)
-I can't remember, and in the sake of getting this post published--I'm just going to forget about those days. Bummer!
Feb. 4 (Fri)
Awful bout of dehydration strikes at bed time
Feb. 5 (Sat.)
Mom & Dad drove in, Dad, Frankie, & Tim worked in the kitchen all day.
Mom, Luke and I ran all around town. First we went to Trader Joes, then Chrissy's house for a while, then to A.C. Moore, then to the bank and Ming's Chinese. After Ming's, we headed to Animal Jungle. From there we went to Buffalo Wild Wings to pick up a to-go dinner for everybody.
Feb. 6 (Sun.)
Mom & Dad drove in again, so Tim & Dad could work on the kitchen some more. I was still sick & dehydrated, but Mom & I headed out anyway.
We went to Michael's, then CiCi's Pizza, then Ashley Furniture and finally to the mall so Luke could play.
When we got home, Mom & Dad left for Mandy's to watch the Super Bowl. Tim & I got the house cleaned up & ourselves settled before heading over just before Half Time.
We ate dinner & watched the game at Mandy's.
Feb. 7 (Monday)
Luke cut his 3rd molar, on the top left.
Tim felt the baby moving around in my tummy.
Feb. 8 (Tuesday)
12 Weeks!!
All day Luke was cranky & fussy. He had a runny nose & low-grade fever.
Luke got sick to his stomach around 5, right before we headed out the door to Applebee's for dinner with Dad & Frankie. He ended up puking a whole lot more before we even got our appetizers, so we ended up getting our dinners to go & leaving on the fly.
We all ate our food 1/2 cold & then Dad & Tim went to the hardware store (in Frankie's truck) to get the supplies we were needing for the kitchen remodel. I stayed home & managed to get Luke to sleep around 9:15, poor little guy.
Feb. 9 (Wednesday)
Ashley's 10th birthday
Luke was sick, sick, sick all day & I did not want to leave him. Dad worked in the kitchen. When Tim got home he convinced me to let Tom & Peggy babysit so that I could go to our Bible Study..but that meant we were WAY late, since I wasn't ready to go.
First night of Time Starved Marriage Bible Study--things went well, it could have been better, but oh well. Such is life. Hopefully the group is a good one & we are able to learn and grow in our marriage.
It made for a late night & when we got to Tom & Peggy's Luke was crying. I nursed him & he went to sleep in my arms. He stayed asleep through getting in the car, riding home, and getting out of the car at home.
Feb. 10 (Thursday)
Luke woke up cranky & signing "hurt", so I made arrangements to get him to the doctor. Only, it was a pain in the butt, that eventually required Tim coming home from work.
We saw Dr. Curry, not Luke's normal doctor. He suggested that it was probably norovirus & told us how much fluid Luke needed to be taking in. Luke had lost over a lb already, so we knew it was important to get him re-hydrated.
After the appointment, I took Tim to work & then headed to Virginia Beach. Luke & I ate at Ming's Chinese for lunch & then headed to my 12 week OB appointment.
Luke screamed and screamed and Dr. M was not able to find the baby's heartbeat on the doppler, thanks to my "extra tissue" down there. I have lost a little more weight & he seemed pretty concerned by it.
I'm taking my Zofran 2-3 times a day now, and although I'm not vomiting, I'm still not getting enough calories in.
We had to pick Tim up from work on our ride home and Dad was at the house when we got there. (Still working on our kitchen remodel)
Tim & Dad did some work together & I reheated the Ming's for supper.
Feb. 11 (Friday)
I knew I'd be taking Luke back to the doctor's office for a weigh-in & recheck, so I took Tim to work.
We came home before heading to the doctor's though & Dad was there working in the kitchen.
We saw Dr. Chirico. Luke had lost 1/4 of a lb in 24 hours, but she said he looked like he was improving so we didn't have to go get IV fluids. (AMEN!)
At that point his total weight lost was 9.5% of his body weight.
We left the doctor's and took lunch to Mandy at her work. Then we headed to Lowe's to meet Dad & buy some much needed stuff for the kitchen.
We spent the rest of the day helping Dad & tending to the sickie.
Tim got a ride home from work, when Luke took a long afternoon nap that was going to keep me from picking him up.
That evening, I started to feel sick again. Chrissy brought Carolynn by. We had Pizza Hut pizza for dinner, but I couldn't eat mine. :(
Feb. 12 (Saturday)
By Saturday morning, the stomach flu had hit me AGAIN. Saturday pretty much sucked and I spent a lot of time crying & tending to sick Luke & Carolynn (she had a cough). Tim & Dad worked ALL DAY (over 12 hours) in the kitchen. We ate left-overs for dinner (bc I was NOT eating) and Dad ate with Mandy.
Feb. 13 (Sunday)
Sunday, I skipped church but sent Carolynn with Tim, since Chrissy was supposed to pick her up there. Luke and I cuddled in bed until after 11 am. We didn't get up until after Tim & Carolynn got home.
Chrissy ended up coming to the house to get Carolynn. Around 4 is when I finally started to feel well enough to get some housework done, and I managed to get the place picked up quite a bit with Tim's help, when he was done putting the first coat of "mud" on the new walls in the kitchen! So GLAD to have walls & ceiling again!
Feb. 14 (Monday) Luke's 2nd Valentine's Day!
We are both on the mend. Luke woke up with Tim's first alarm today, so we're up bright & early. We did cuddle in bed for about 45 minutes watching Toy Story 3 though!
I've been busy cleaning, vacuuming, straightening our closet, and tending to the mountain of laundry. (Seriously, it was OVERFLOWING Luke's crib! I couldn't muster the energy to fold or anything--though I did keep the clothes CLEAN while I was sick...just not put away.)
Luke hasn't been sleeping in his crib. I moved his cradle (without the stand) into our room on the floor & have been letting him sleep in there & co-sleep while he's been so sick.
Luke's been watching Barney & playing with his toys. So far neither of us is showing any signs of being sick today (other than Luke's runny nose & tugging on his ear--I swear he has an infection....) so we're doing pretty good.
Luke and I went grocery shopping and ran a couple errands after Tim got home from work, so that he could work on putting the 2nd coat of "mud" in the kitchen in peace. He wasn't feeling well but managed to get it done.
I don't have any pictures to add to this post, since Luke puked on the camera Tuesday & I've only recently cleaned it! Sorry!
-I can't remember, and in the sake of getting this post published--I'm just going to forget about those days. Bummer!
Feb. 4 (Fri)
Awful bout of dehydration strikes at bed time
Feb. 5 (Sat.)
Mom & Dad drove in, Dad, Frankie, & Tim worked in the kitchen all day.
Mom, Luke and I ran all around town. First we went to Trader Joes, then Chrissy's house for a while, then to A.C. Moore, then to the bank and Ming's Chinese. After Ming's, we headed to Animal Jungle. From there we went to Buffalo Wild Wings to pick up a to-go dinner for everybody.
Feb. 6 (Sun.)
Mom & Dad drove in again, so Tim & Dad could work on the kitchen some more. I was still sick & dehydrated, but Mom & I headed out anyway.
We went to Michael's, then CiCi's Pizza, then Ashley Furniture and finally to the mall so Luke could play.
When we got home, Mom & Dad left for Mandy's to watch the Super Bowl. Tim & I got the house cleaned up & ourselves settled before heading over just before Half Time.
We ate dinner & watched the game at Mandy's.
Feb. 7 (Monday)
Luke cut his 3rd molar, on the top left.
Tim felt the baby moving around in my tummy.
Feb. 8 (Tuesday)
12 Weeks!!
All day Luke was cranky & fussy. He had a runny nose & low-grade fever.
Luke got sick to his stomach around 5, right before we headed out the door to Applebee's for dinner with Dad & Frankie. He ended up puking a whole lot more before we even got our appetizers, so we ended up getting our dinners to go & leaving on the fly.
We all ate our food 1/2 cold & then Dad & Tim went to the hardware store (in Frankie's truck) to get the supplies we were needing for the kitchen remodel. I stayed home & managed to get Luke to sleep around 9:15, poor little guy.
Feb. 9 (Wednesday)
Ashley's 10th birthday
Luke was sick, sick, sick all day & I did not want to leave him. Dad worked in the kitchen. When Tim got home he convinced me to let Tom & Peggy babysit so that I could go to our Bible Study..but that meant we were WAY late, since I wasn't ready to go.
First night of Time Starved Marriage Bible Study--things went well, it could have been better, but oh well. Such is life. Hopefully the group is a good one & we are able to learn and grow in our marriage.
It made for a late night & when we got to Tom & Peggy's Luke was crying. I nursed him & he went to sleep in my arms. He stayed asleep through getting in the car, riding home, and getting out of the car at home.
Feb. 10 (Thursday)
Luke woke up cranky & signing "hurt", so I made arrangements to get him to the doctor. Only, it was a pain in the butt, that eventually required Tim coming home from work.
We saw Dr. Curry, not Luke's normal doctor. He suggested that it was probably norovirus & told us how much fluid Luke needed to be taking in. Luke had lost over a lb already, so we knew it was important to get him re-hydrated.
After the appointment, I took Tim to work & then headed to Virginia Beach. Luke & I ate at Ming's Chinese for lunch & then headed to my 12 week OB appointment.
Luke screamed and screamed and Dr. M was not able to find the baby's heartbeat on the doppler, thanks to my "extra tissue" down there. I have lost a little more weight & he seemed pretty concerned by it.
I'm taking my Zofran 2-3 times a day now, and although I'm not vomiting, I'm still not getting enough calories in.
We had to pick Tim up from work on our ride home and Dad was at the house when we got there. (Still working on our kitchen remodel)
Tim & Dad did some work together & I reheated the Ming's for supper.
Feb. 11 (Friday)
I knew I'd be taking Luke back to the doctor's office for a weigh-in & recheck, so I took Tim to work.
We came home before heading to the doctor's though & Dad was there working in the kitchen.
We saw Dr. Chirico. Luke had lost 1/4 of a lb in 24 hours, but she said he looked like he was improving so we didn't have to go get IV fluids. (AMEN!)
At that point his total weight lost was 9.5% of his body weight.
We left the doctor's and took lunch to Mandy at her work. Then we headed to Lowe's to meet Dad & buy some much needed stuff for the kitchen.
We spent the rest of the day helping Dad & tending to the sickie.
Tim got a ride home from work, when Luke took a long afternoon nap that was going to keep me from picking him up.
That evening, I started to feel sick again. Chrissy brought Carolynn by. We had Pizza Hut pizza for dinner, but I couldn't eat mine. :(
Feb. 12 (Saturday)
By Saturday morning, the stomach flu had hit me AGAIN. Saturday pretty much sucked and I spent a lot of time crying & tending to sick Luke & Carolynn (she had a cough). Tim & Dad worked ALL DAY (over 12 hours) in the kitchen. We ate left-overs for dinner (bc I was NOT eating) and Dad ate with Mandy.
Feb. 13 (Sunday)
Sunday, I skipped church but sent Carolynn with Tim, since Chrissy was supposed to pick her up there. Luke and I cuddled in bed until after 11 am. We didn't get up until after Tim & Carolynn got home.
Chrissy ended up coming to the house to get Carolynn. Around 4 is when I finally started to feel well enough to get some housework done, and I managed to get the place picked up quite a bit with Tim's help, when he was done putting the first coat of "mud" on the new walls in the kitchen! So GLAD to have walls & ceiling again!
Feb. 14 (Monday) Luke's 2nd Valentine's Day!
We are both on the mend. Luke woke up with Tim's first alarm today, so we're up bright & early. We did cuddle in bed for about 45 minutes watching Toy Story 3 though!
I've been busy cleaning, vacuuming, straightening our closet, and tending to the mountain of laundry. (Seriously, it was OVERFLOWING Luke's crib! I couldn't muster the energy to fold or anything--though I did keep the clothes CLEAN while I was sick...just not put away.)
Luke hasn't been sleeping in his crib. I moved his cradle (without the stand) into our room on the floor & have been letting him sleep in there & co-sleep while he's been so sick.
Luke's been watching Barney & playing with his toys. So far neither of us is showing any signs of being sick today (other than Luke's runny nose & tugging on his ear--I swear he has an infection....) so we're doing pretty good.
Luke and I went grocery shopping and ran a couple errands after Tim got home from work, so that he could work on putting the 2nd coat of "mud" in the kitchen in peace. He wasn't feeling well but managed to get it done.
I don't have any pictures to add to this post, since Luke puked on the camera Tuesday & I've only recently cleaned it! Sorry!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
16 Months Update
16 Months Old Feb. 18, 2011
Sign Language:
Luke understands and uses these signs correctly:
More, Milk, Please, Down, Eat, Drink, Thank You, All Done, Bye , Night Night, Up, My turn, Hurt
He understands these signs:
Jump, Up, Yucky, No, You're Welcome
Spoken Language:
Luke says:
Mom, Dad, Hi, Bye, Down, More, Milk, Why, Stop, Wee, Woah...
Phrases he can say:
Where is it? Where did it go? Where is she? Where is he?
Animals he can name:
Dog, Bird, Duck
Animal sounds he can make:
Woof, Moo, Quack, "snap" (claps hands like an alligator's mouth)
Fine Motor Skills: (no changes)
Luke is getting really good at stacking Mega Blocks on each other to build different shapes and towers.
He can fit small objects into small spaces.
He is starting to understand and figure out his shape sorters and puzzles.
He can put a ball (2") into a small hole (4").
He can hold a colored pencil or crayon correctly and color on a piece of paper.
Luke can pour from a cup into another container, though he does still spill a lot.
Gross Motor Skills: (no changes)
Luke can walk and run.
He can walk backwards.
He can kick a ball. (big or small!)
He even dances, by stomping his feet and wiggling his butt! He does "the monkey" (raises & lowers his arms opposite of each other) and gets excited if you even mention dancing.
Luke can climb ladders, up stairs, into a restaurant high chair, onto the couches, onto the ottomans, off of the couch, off of the bed, and more. He can get just about any where he sets his mind to.
Luke waves hi & bye and blows kisses.
He also gives closed mouth kisses complete with the "smacking" noise.
Luke can carry large, awkward, and heavy objects in front of him while walking.
Luke can comb his own hair.
Luke can throw a ball over and under handed.
Luke has 9 teeth!
We had a set-back due to having the stomach flu for a week, but we are slowly getting Luke back into eating his solids.
Luke goes to bed around 9 pm.
He's been self-soothing with a sippy cup a couple times a night & on Friday (2/11) Tim actually put Luke to bed for the night with the sippy cup! I think we are getting close to night weaning!
Luke still nurses and takes a morning nap, about 3 hours after he gets up.
He sometimes takes an afternoon nap when he nurses around 4 pm. He sometimes just nurses for a few minutes and is done. He can't decide if he needs 2 naps a day or not.
Playtime: (no changes)
Luke enjoys playing:
Hide & Go Seek
In the bath tub
With the dogs
"Talk" on the phone
Reading books
Favorites: (no changes)
Movie-Toy Story & Toy Story 3
Toy- Fisher Price Spinning Speedway
Book-Little Feet Love, Baby Einstein Touch & Feel Wild Animals
Car Seat Safety:
Luke rides in a Radian 80SL rearfacing car seat.
He also still has some room to grow in his infant seat, technically, but it is a SNUG fit to get him into it! The limits on that seat are 30 lbs and 32 inches. Luke is about 19 lbs (he lost several pounds with the stomach flu) and 30 inches tall. We still occasionally use the "bucket" seat as a back-up seat.
Potty Learning: (no changes)
Tom & Peggy bought Luke a potty seat. He has sat on it a few times, but never done anything on it.
I think he has a ways to go before he is ready for potty training. We might try again just before the baby is born & then use the extra attention he can get from it to help training him when we bring the baby home.
When we start actively training him, I want to get the "Ditto Daddy" trainer pattern to make him undies like Tim's!
Luke can point out his ear and nose. He can "wash" his hair, put lotion on his belly, & raise his arms. We are still working on eyes and mouth.
He can work the iPad and Tim's iPod Touch, he knows how to turn them on & unlock the screen. He can stop and start his movies.
Luke has been for 2 bike rides. He really enjoys the wind and says "Weee" the whole time we're riding.
Luke loves to be read to, but he can also entertain himself for several minutes (15-20) "reading" out load to himself. He just babbles away while turning the pages in his many books.
Luke can blow bubbles in the bath tub!
Luke can climb like a MONKEY! He climbs into & out of the bath tub, onto chairs, and more!
Sign Language:
Luke understands and uses these signs correctly:
More, Milk, Please, Down, Eat, Drink, Thank You, All Done, Bye , Night Night, Up, My turn, Hurt
He understands these signs:
Jump, Up, Yucky, No, You're Welcome
Spoken Language:
Luke says:
Mom, Dad, Hi, Bye, Down, More, Milk, Why, Stop, Wee, Woah...
Phrases he can say:
Where is it? Where did it go? Where is she? Where is he?
Animals he can name:
Dog, Bird, Duck
Animal sounds he can make:
Woof, Moo, Quack, "snap" (claps hands like an alligator's mouth)
Fine Motor Skills: (no changes)
Luke is getting really good at stacking Mega Blocks on each other to build different shapes and towers.
He can fit small objects into small spaces.
He is starting to understand and figure out his shape sorters and puzzles.
He can put a ball (2") into a small hole (4").
He can hold a colored pencil or crayon correctly and color on a piece of paper.
Luke can pour from a cup into another container, though he does still spill a lot.
Gross Motor Skills: (no changes)
Luke can walk and run.
He can walk backwards.
He can kick a ball. (big or small!)
He even dances, by stomping his feet and wiggling his butt! He does "the monkey" (raises & lowers his arms opposite of each other) and gets excited if you even mention dancing.
Luke can climb ladders, up stairs, into a restaurant high chair, onto the couches, onto the ottomans, off of the couch, off of the bed, and more. He can get just about any where he sets his mind to.
Luke waves hi & bye and blows kisses.
He also gives closed mouth kisses complete with the "smacking" noise.
Luke can carry large, awkward, and heavy objects in front of him while walking.
Luke can comb his own hair.
Luke can throw a ball over and under handed.
Luke has 9 teeth!
We had a set-back due to having the stomach flu for a week, but we are slowly getting Luke back into eating his solids.
Luke goes to bed around 9 pm.
He's been self-soothing with a sippy cup a couple times a night & on Friday (2/11) Tim actually put Luke to bed for the night with the sippy cup! I think we are getting close to night weaning!
Luke still nurses and takes a morning nap, about 3 hours after he gets up.
He sometimes takes an afternoon nap when he nurses around 4 pm. He sometimes just nurses for a few minutes and is done. He can't decide if he needs 2 naps a day or not.
Playtime: (no changes)
Luke enjoys playing:
Hide & Go Seek
In the bath tub
With the dogs
"Talk" on the phone
Reading books
Favorites: (no changes)
Movie-Toy Story & Toy Story 3
Toy- Fisher Price Spinning Speedway
Book-Little Feet Love, Baby Einstein Touch & Feel Wild Animals
Car Seat Safety:
Luke rides in a Radian 80SL rearfacing car seat.
He also still has some room to grow in his infant seat, technically, but it is a SNUG fit to get him into it! The limits on that seat are 30 lbs and 32 inches. Luke is about 19 lbs (he lost several pounds with the stomach flu) and 30 inches tall. We still occasionally use the "bucket" seat as a back-up seat.
Potty Learning: (no changes)
Tom & Peggy bought Luke a potty seat. He has sat on it a few times, but never done anything on it.
I think he has a ways to go before he is ready for potty training. We might try again just before the baby is born & then use the extra attention he can get from it to help training him when we bring the baby home.
When we start actively training him, I want to get the "Ditto Daddy" trainer pattern to make him undies like Tim's!
Luke can point out his ear and nose. He can "wash" his hair, put lotion on his belly, & raise his arms. We are still working on eyes and mouth.
He can work the iPad and Tim's iPod Touch, he knows how to turn them on & unlock the screen. He can stop and start his movies.
Luke has been for 2 bike rides. He really enjoys the wind and says "Weee" the whole time we're riding.
Luke loves to be read to, but he can also entertain himself for several minutes (15-20) "reading" out load to himself. He just babbles away while turning the pages in his many books.
Luke can blow bubbles in the bath tub!
Luke can climb like a MONKEY! He climbs into & out of the bath tub, onto chairs, and more!
Monday, February 7, 2011
9--That's how many teeth Luke has now!! The top left "first molar" came through sometime since yesterday!
Go Lukey! My big boy is growing up so fast!
Go Lukey! My big boy is growing up so fast!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
15 1/2 months old
15 and a half months old, Feb. 3, 2011
Sign Language:
Luke understands and uses these signs correctly:
More, Milk, Please, Down, Eat, Drink, Thank You, All Done, Bye and he points & says "shh...." while covering his mouth with one finger
He understands these signs:
Jump, Up, Yucky, No, You're Welcome, Sleep/Night Night
Spoken Language:
Luke says:
Mom, Dad, Hi, Bye, Down, More, Milk, Why, Stop, Wee, Woah,
Phrases he can say:
Where is it? Where did it go? Where is she? Where is he?
Animals he can name:
Dog, Bird, Duck
Animal sounds he can make:
Woof, Moo, Quack, "snap" (claps hands like an alligator's mouth)
Fine Motor Skills:
Luke is getting really good at stacking Mega Blocks on each other to build different shapes and towers.
He can fit small objects into small spaces.
He is starting to understand and figure out his shape sorters and puzzles.
He can put a ball (2") into a small hole (4").
He can hold a colored pencil or crayon correctly and color on a piece of paper.
Luke can pour from a cup into another container, though he does still spill a lot.
Gross Motor Skills:
Luke can walk and run.
He can walk backwards.
He can kick a ball. (big or small!)
He even dances, by stomping his feet and wiggling his butt! He does "the monkey" (raises & lowers his arms opposite of each other) and gets excited if you even mention dancing.
Luke can climb ladders, up stairs, into a restaurant high chair, onto the couches, onto the ottomans, off of the couch, off of the bed, and more. He can get just about any where he sets his mind to.
Luke waves hi & bye and blows kisses.
He also gives closed mouth kisses complete with the "smacking" noise.
Luke can carry large, awkward, and heavy objects in front of him while walking.
Luke can comb his own hair.
Luke can throw a ball over and under handed.
Luke has4 5 top teeth (central & lateral incisors & first molar on right side) and 2 3 bottom teeth (central incisors & first molar on right side). He still seems to be teething (drool!) so I'm hoping the 2 bottom outside teeth are on their way in, before we welcome molars!
Luke can eat solid foods! He still spits, when he is "done" or doesn't like something. We're telling him no, removing the food, and ignoring it at times, all hoping he'll outgrow this negative behavior.
He starts his day with a "snack" of chips or raisins.
He eats about 1/2 a banana & a few raisins for breakfast most days.
Then he has another snack before nursing.
After his morning nap, he has another snack.
For lunch, he eats about 1/2 a slice of thick cut ham (about 1 oz), some chips, and some baby food veggies.
In the afternoon he has another snack, sometimes banana or baby food fruit.
Then he either eats what we're having for dinner or has some baby food w/ meat in it & a baby food veggie.
After his evening bath, he sometimes gets some baby food fruit with cereal mixed in or else some other kind of snack.
He is still not quite on par with what other 15 month old boys are eating, but we're really happy, considering on the 1st of this year he wasn't eating any solids. :)
Luke goes to bed around 9 pm.
He normally sleeps until at least 12:30 but sometimes sleeps through until 2 or 3:30. He likes to nurse for a few minutes when he wakes up until he falls back asleep.
Then he sleeps for another 3 hours or so & wakes up to nurse again.
Then he goes back to sleep (on the boob) and wakes up for the day around 7 am. Some days he wakes up earlier, other days he sleeps in as late as 8 am.
Luke still nurses and takes a morning nap, about 3 hours after he gets up.
He sometimes takes an afternoon nap when he nurses around 4 pm. He sometimes just nurses for a few minutes and is done. He can't decide if he needs 2 naps a day or not.
Luke enjoys playing:
Hide & Go Seek
In the bath tub
With the dogs
"Talk" on the phone
Reading books
Movie-Toy Story & Toy Story 3
Toy- Fisher Price Spinning Speedway
Book-Little Feet Love, Baby Einstein Touch & Feel Wild Animals
Car Seat Safety:
Luke rides in a Radian 80SL rearfacing car seat.
He also still has some room to grow in his infant seat, technically, but it is a SNUG fit to get him into it! The limits on that seat are 30 lbs and 32 inches. Luke is about 21 lbs and 30 inches tall. We still occasionally use the "bucket" seat as a back-up seat.
Potty Learning:
Tom & Peggy bought Luke a potty seat. He has sat on it a few times, but never done anything on it.
I think he has a ways to go before he is ready for potty training. We might try again just before the baby is born & then use the extra attention he can get from it to help training him when we bring the baby home.
When we start actively training him, I want to get the "Ditto Daddy" trainer pattern to make him undies like Tim's!
Luke can point out his ear and nose. He can "wash" his hair, put lotion on his belly, & raise his arms. We are still working on eyes and mouth.
He can work the iPad and Tim's iPod Touch, he knows how to turn them on & unlock the screen. He can stop and start his movies.
Luke has been for 2 bike rides. He really enjoys the wind and says "Weee" the whole time we're riding.
Luke loves to be read to, but he can also entertain himself for several minutes (15-20) "reading" out load to himself. He just babbles away while turning the pages in his many books.
Luke can blow bubbles in the bath tub!
Sign Language:
Luke understands and uses these signs correctly:
More, Milk, Please, Down, Eat, Drink, Thank You, All Done, Bye and he points & says "shh...." while covering his mouth with one finger
He understands these signs:
Jump, Up, Yucky, No, You're Welcome, Sleep/Night Night
Spoken Language:
Luke says:
Mom, Dad, Hi, Bye, Down, More, Milk, Why, Stop, Wee, Woah,
Phrases he can say:
Where is it? Where did it go? Where is she? Where is he?
Animals he can name:
Dog, Bird, Duck
Animal sounds he can make:
Woof, Moo, Quack, "snap" (claps hands like an alligator's mouth)
Fine Motor Skills:
Luke is getting really good at stacking Mega Blocks on each other to build different shapes and towers.
He can fit small objects into small spaces.
He is starting to understand and figure out his shape sorters and puzzles.
He can put a ball (2") into a small hole (4").
He can hold a colored pencil or crayon correctly and color on a piece of paper.
Luke can pour from a cup into another container, though he does still spill a lot.
Gross Motor Skills:
Luke can walk and run.
He can walk backwards.
He can kick a ball. (big or small!)
He even dances, by stomping his feet and wiggling his butt! He does "the monkey" (raises & lowers his arms opposite of each other) and gets excited if you even mention dancing.
Luke can climb ladders, up stairs, into a restaurant high chair, onto the couches, onto the ottomans, off of the couch, off of the bed, and more. He can get just about any where he sets his mind to.
Luke waves hi & bye and blows kisses.
He also gives closed mouth kisses complete with the "smacking" noise.
Luke can carry large, awkward, and heavy objects in front of him while walking.
Luke can comb his own hair.
Luke can throw a ball over and under handed.
Luke has
Luke can eat solid foods! He still spits, when he is "done" or doesn't like something. We're telling him no, removing the food, and ignoring it at times, all hoping he'll outgrow this negative behavior.
He starts his day with a "snack" of chips or raisins.
He eats about 1/2 a banana & a few raisins for breakfast most days.
Then he has another snack before nursing.
After his morning nap, he has another snack.
For lunch, he eats about 1/2 a slice of thick cut ham (about 1 oz), some chips, and some baby food veggies.
In the afternoon he has another snack, sometimes banana or baby food fruit.
Then he either eats what we're having for dinner or has some baby food w/ meat in it & a baby food veggie.
After his evening bath, he sometimes gets some baby food fruit with cereal mixed in or else some other kind of snack.
He is still not quite on par with what other 15 month old boys are eating, but we're really happy, considering on the 1st of this year he wasn't eating any solids. :)
Luke goes to bed around 9 pm.
He normally sleeps until at least 12:30 but sometimes sleeps through until 2 or 3:30. He likes to nurse for a few minutes when he wakes up until he falls back asleep.
Then he sleeps for another 3 hours or so & wakes up to nurse again.
Then he goes back to sleep (on the boob) and wakes up for the day around 7 am. Some days he wakes up earlier, other days he sleeps in as late as 8 am.
Luke still nurses and takes a morning nap, about 3 hours after he gets up.
He sometimes takes an afternoon nap when he nurses around 4 pm. He sometimes just nurses for a few minutes and is done. He can't decide if he needs 2 naps a day or not.
Luke enjoys playing:
Hide & Go Seek
In the bath tub
With the dogs
"Talk" on the phone
Reading books
Movie-Toy Story & Toy Story 3
Toy- Fisher Price Spinning Speedway
Book-Little Feet Love, Baby Einstein Touch & Feel Wild Animals
Car Seat Safety:
Luke rides in a Radian 80SL rearfacing car seat.
He also still has some room to grow in his infant seat, technically, but it is a SNUG fit to get him into it! The limits on that seat are 30 lbs and 32 inches. Luke is about 21 lbs and 30 inches tall. We still occasionally use the "bucket" seat as a back-up seat.
Potty Learning:
Tom & Peggy bought Luke a potty seat. He has sat on it a few times, but never done anything on it.
I think he has a ways to go before he is ready for potty training. We might try again just before the baby is born & then use the extra attention he can get from it to help training him when we bring the baby home.
When we start actively training him, I want to get the "Ditto Daddy" trainer pattern to make him undies like Tim's!
Luke can point out his ear and nose. He can "wash" his hair, put lotion on his belly, & raise his arms. We are still working on eyes and mouth.
He can work the iPad and Tim's iPod Touch, he knows how to turn them on & unlock the screen. He can stop and start his movies.
Luke has been for 2 bike rides. He really enjoys the wind and says "Weee" the whole time we're riding.
Luke loves to be read to, but he can also entertain himself for several minutes (15-20) "reading" out load to himself. He just babbles away while turning the pages in his many books.
Luke can blow bubbles in the bath tub!
First Popsicle |
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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